All About Coffee Subscriptions!

We offer several different types of coffee subscriptions here at BonLife. This blog post breaks down our different subscription offerings and answers your questions about all things coffee subscriptions.

What is a coffee subscription box? A coffee subscription box is a beautiful invention that makes your life run more smoothly! You choose your taste preferences and frequency of shipping, sign up, and forget about it. A box of fresh-roasted coffee ships to your house automatically! So you never run out of coffee, and you never have to remember to go out to buy beans. Cheers to that!

How often does the coffee ship? We have a few options. You can subscribe to have your coffee sent once a month, or every two weeks. We also have an option to have a five pound bag shipped once a month if you prefer to go that route. Plus, we take requests! If you prefer a different subscription timing, we’ll set it up for you. Just contact us here!

Do I pay for shipping? You sure don’t! We offer free shipping on all orders over $30, and that includes your subscription box.

What shipping service do you use? We ship via USPS priority mail every Wednesday and Friday. You’ll receive a tracking number once your order ships.

What coffee comes in the subscription? Great question! You have a choice! We offer a Justice espresso subscription for home espresso lovers; a decaf subscription for those who love coffee but not the caffeine; and a roaster’s choice subscription for single-origin coffee fans. The roaster’s choice changes with every box! Our baristas will hand-pick a couple of coffees for you from what we have at the moment. This one is a great way to try new coffees!

Can I pause or cancel my subscription? Yep! You can pause at any time by reaching out to us, and you can cancel at any time in your account or by reaching out and asking us to cancel for you. There’s no long-term commitment: you can always adjust your coffee subscription to meet your needs!

Is the coffee fresh? You bet it is! We roast our award-winning beans every other week. Your coffee subscription will be shipped each month or every two weeks on the date you purchase it. Fun fact, coffee tastes best two to four weeks off roast! Subscribers tend to receive and drink our coffees right in the peak freshness time.

Do the beans change? In our roaster’s choice single origin subscription, yes! Our single origin beans rotate frequently as coffee is a crop that changes seasonally. We source from farms we trust with high-quality, direct-trade beans. The countries of origin change often too. You can read more about where our coffees come from here.

That’s the insider’s scoop on coffee subscriptions! We love when people sign up for our coffee subscription boxes because we know we’ll be sharing our beans with fellow coffee lovers. If you have any questions or comments, drop them below!


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