Vero Glassware & Why We Love It


It’s no secret: we love our Vero glassware at BonLife! If you’ve visited our cafe, you’ve probably seen them sprinkled around. We use them to serve cortados, flat whites, and even water. If you follow us online, you’ve definitely seen them in our social media posts! But why do we love them so much?


These beautiful glasses made by NotNeutral are hand-pressed right here in the U.S. As soon as you pick them up, you can feel the quality.


Speaking of quality, the thoughtful design is a huge part of what makes these glasses so special. The creator of these glasses, NotNeutral, definitely did their research when they designed these cortado glasses. The weighted bottom and curved interior make pouring latte art into the glasses super easy. They lend themselves to latte art, echoing the shape of a latte mug instead of a traditional glass. The Vero glasses are also dishwasher and microwave safe— so practical!


Okay, but these little cortado glasses are just too pretty. We’d be remiss not to mention how much the beautiful design and colors are part of why we love them. Plus, the shape and height make for a satisfying coffee experience: your guests will be delighted to drink out of this glassware.

So now you know: these little glasses are so much more than just pretty, and they’re well worth the investment to add them to your at-home coffee set up. You can shop them right here! We are excited to now offer them in four colors!


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